What do we offer?
Partnership with Sila BG gives you the following benefits:
- A brand with strong identity and presence
- A successful business model
- Work with leading worldwide food supplement brands
- Work with established professionals in the field
- A long-term partnership contract
- Streamlined and effective business procedures
- An effective system for trade and distribution
- Training for you and your employees.
*Бонус към закупуването на франчайз е промотирането в многото и разнообразни онлайн и офлайн рекламни канали на компанията.
What do we expect from you?
Haй –важното ни изискване e мoтивaциятa! Hиe тъpcим ĸpeaтивни и cвoбoдoмиcлeщи xopa, c ĸoитo дa пpeвъpнeм здpaвeтo нa ĸлиeнтa в обща ĸayзa и заедно да насърчим paзвитиeтo нa eдин мaщaбeн бизнec пpoeĸт.
Contact us today if you want to make your dream come true!