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Common Rules for Supplements Shopping at

Terms and Conditions of the Online Store



Art. 1. These general terms and conditions are intended to regulate the relations between "VGN" LTD, Eng. Ivan Ivanov blvd. fl3. ap9, Sofia, 1303, EIN/UIC 202200279, herEIN/UICafter referred to as the SUPPLIER, and the clients, herEIN/UICafter referred to as USERS, of the electronic commerce platform "", herEIN/UICafter referred to as "SilaBG".



Art. 2. Information according to the Electronic Commerce Act and the Consumer Protection Act:

  1. Name of the Supplier: "VGN" LTD
  2. Headquarters and address of management:Eng. Ivan Ivanov blvd. fl3. ap9, Sofia, 1303
  3. Address for exercising the activity and address for sending complaints from consumers: Sofia 1303, ul. inj. Ivan Ivanov 70B, floor 3, apt. 10
  4. Data for correspondence: Bulgaria, Sofia 1303, ul. inj. Ivan Ivanov 70B, floor 3, apt. 10 Email: [email protected]
  5. Registration in public registers: EIN/UIC 202200279


Supervisory authorities:

(1) Commission for Personal Data Protection

Address: Sofia 1592, bul. "Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov" № 2

tel.: (02) 915 3 518

fax: (02) 940 36 40

Email: [email protected], [email protected]



(2) Consumer Protection Commission

Address: 1000 Sofia, pl. "Slaveykov" №4A, floor 3, 4, and 6

tel.: 02 / 980 25 24

fax: 02 / 988 42 18

hotline: 0700 111 22



(3) Commission for Protection of Competition


Sofia 1000, bul. "Vitosha" №18

Telephone: (02) 935 61 13

Fax: (02) 980 73 15




Art. 3. SilaBG is an electronic commerce platform available on the Internet at, through which users can conclude contracts for the purchase and delivery of goods offered by the merchants on the platform, including the following:

  1. To register and create a profile for viewing the Supplier's online store on the SilaBG platform and using additional services for providing information;
  2. To view the goods, their characteristics, prices, and delivery conditions;
  3. To conclude contracts for the purchase and delivery of goods offered through the SilaBG platform, using their created profile or using the option for ordering without registration;
  4. To view and compare goods, their characteristics, prices, and delivery conditions, and to save selected items as "Favorites";

5. To make any payments in connection with the concluded contracts for purchase and sale, according to the means of payment supported by the Supplier;

  1. To receive from the Supplier information about new goods offered on the SilaBG platform;
  2. To make electronic statements in connection with the conclusion or execution of contracts with the participants in the SilaBG platform through the interface of the SilaBG page, available on the Internet;
  3. To be informed about their rights, arising from the law, primarily through the interface of the SilaBG platform on the Internet;
  4. To exercise their right of withdrawal, when applicable, according to the Consumer Protection Act;
  5. To use any additional functionalities and services that the Supplier provides in the online store.

Art. 4. The Supplier in the SilaBG platform organizes independently or through the use of third-party services the delivery of goods and guarantees the rights of the Users provided for by law, within the framework of good faith, practices, consumer or commercial law criteria, and conditions.

Art. 5. (1) The users conclude a contract for the purchase and sale of goods through the platform provided by the Supplier, at the address The contract is concluded in Bulgarian and is stored in the database of the Supplier on the platform.

(2) By virtue of the concluded contract with the users for the purchase and sale of goods, the Supplier in the SilaBG platform undertakes to organize the delivery and transfer of ownership to the user of the selected goods through the interface of the platform. Users have the right to correct errors when entering information no later than sending the statement for concluding the contract with the Supplier on the SilaBG platform.

(3) Users pay the chosen performer in the SilaBG platform a remuneration for the delivered goods according to the conditions specified in the SilaBG platform and these general terms and conditions. The remuneration is in the amount of the price announced by the Supplier in the SilaBG platform at the address of the SilaBG platform on the Internet.

(4) The delivery of the goods ordered by the users is carried out by the Supplier or by the respective performer, who delivers the selected goods, within the terms and conditions specified in the SilaBG platform and according to these general terms and conditions.

Art. 6. (1) The user and the Supplier in the SilaBG platform agree that all statements between them in connection with the conclusion and execution of the purchase and sale contract can be made electronically and through electronic statements within the meaning of the Electronic Document and Electronic Signature Act and art. 11 of the Electronic Commerce Act.

(2) It is assumed that the electronic statements made by the users of the site are made by the persons specified in the data provided by the user at the time of registration, if the user has entered the corresponding name and password for access.



Art. 7. (1) To use SilaBG for concluding contracts for the purchase and sale of goods, the user should create a profile by entering a name and password for remote access chosen by him or her, or go through the procedure for ordering as a "Guest" available on the Supplier's website, giving his or her free and explicit consent to these general terms and conditions.

(2) The name and password for remote access are determined by the user, through online registration on the Supplier's site on the SilaBG platform, according to the procedure indicated there.

(3) When filling in the registration data and clicking the "Register" button, the user must also declare that he or she is familiar with these general terms and conditions, agrees with their content, and undertakes to unconditionally comply with them. When filling in the data for making an order as a "Guest" and before clicking the "Continue" button, the user must also declare that he or she is familiar with these general terms and conditions, agrees with their content, and undertakes to unconditionally comply with them.

(4) By filling in the data and clicking the buttons for consent to these general terms and conditions, the user declares that he or she is familiar with these general terms and conditions, agrees with their content, and undertakes to unconditionally comply with them.

(4) Upon registration, the Supplier in the SilaBG platform confirms the registration made by the user by sending a letter to the e-mail address provided by the user. An account of the user is created, and contractual relations arise between him or her and the Supplier in the SilaBG platform for the provision of the use of the platform.

(5) When making the registration, the user is obliged to provide true and current data. The user is obliged to update the data specified in the registration promptly in case of any changes.   

(6) The use of an automated script to perform any actions on the site - both in the commercial part of the site and in the social part - is not allowed on the platform             




Art. 8. Users primarily use the interface of the Supplier's page on the SilaBG platform to conclude contracts for the purchase and sale of the goods offered on the SilaBG platform.

Art. 9. (1) Users who have created a profile conclude the contract for the purchase and sale of the goods on the SilaBG platform according to the following procedure:

  1. Registering on the SilaBG platform and providing the necessary data, if the user has not registered on the SilaBG platform until that moment;
  2. Logging into the system for making orders on the SilaBG platform by identifying with a name and password;
  3. Selecting one or more of the goods offered by the performers on the SilaBG platform and adding them to the list of goods for purchase;
  4. Selecting goods from the list of goods for purchase from the respective performers on the SilaBG platform, for which a purchase-sale contract is to be concluded;
  5. Providing data for the execution of the delivery;
  6. Selecting the method and time for payment of the price;
  7. Selecting the method of delivery;
  8. Confirming the order.

(2) Users can conclude a contract for the purchase and sale of goods on the SilaBG platform, including without registration, according to the following procedure:

  1. Selecting one or more of the goods offered by the performers on the SilaBG platform and adding them to the list of goods for purchase;
  2. Selecting goods from the list of goods for purchase from the respective performers on the SilaBG platform, for which a purchase-sale contract is to be concluded;
  3. Providing data for the execution of the delivery;
  4. Selecting the method and time for payment of the price;
  5. Selecting the method of delivery;
  6. Confirming the order.

(3) Users can make a request through the platform for purchase and pick up from a physical store. The Supplier intermediates in concluding the purchase-sale contract with the owner of the physical store, providing Users with the opportunity to select goods published on the platform and request them for purchase through the "Pick up from store" option. The Supplier informs the User about the period in which he or she can pick up the requested goods from the selected physical store. The user purchases the requested goods by paying on the spot to the merchant using any of the available methods offered in the physical store.



Art. 10. (1) Users conclude separate contracts for the purchase and sale of the requested goods, regardless of whether they were selected with a single electronic statement and from a single list of goods for purchase.

(2) The Supplier in the SilaBG platform may organize together and simultaneously the delivery of the ordered goods under the separate contracts for the purchase and sale of goods. The delivery of the ordered goods by the Users is carried out by the selected performer through the SilaBG platform for the respective goods, for which the user is notified at the time of delivery, or by the Supplier independently or through third parties.

(3) The rights of the Users concerning the delivered goods are exercised separately for each purchase-sale contract. Exercising rights concerning a delivered good does not affect and has no effect concerning the purchase-sale contracts for other goods. In case the User has the status of a consumer within the meaning of the Consumer Protection Act, exercising the right of withdrawal from the purchase-sale contract for a specific good does not affect the purchase-sale contracts for other goods delivered to the consumer.

Art. 11. When exercising rights under the purchase-sale contract, the user is obliged to specify exactly and unambiguously the contract and the goods concerning which he or she exercises the rights.

Art. 12. (1) The user may pay the price for the separate purchase-sale contracts at once when ordering the goods or upon their delivery, in one of the following ways:

  1. Cash on delivery with Postal Money Transfer, offered by a licensed postal operator;
  2. Payment upon delivery with a credit or debit card to the courier, licensed postal operator;
  3. Payment upon completion of the order through a micro-account in ePay.

(2) When using the "Pick up from store" option, the User purchases the goods only upon their receipt from the physical store and pays in one of the available methods offered in the physical store.


Art. 13. (1) The rules of this section VII of these general terms and conditions apply only to Users who, according to the data provided for the conclusion of the purchase-sale contract or upon registration in SilaBG, can be concluded to be consumers within the meaning of the Consumer Protection Act, the Electronic Commerce Act, and/or Directive 97/7/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 1997 on the protection of consumers concerning distance contracts.

(2) The Supplier in the SilaBG platform does not offer, organize, or perform deliveries of medicines dispensed on prescription to persons who have the status of a consumer under paragraph 1.

Art. 14. (1) The main characteristics of the goods offered by the Supplier in the SilaBG platform are defined in the profile of each good on the SilaBG platform.

(2) The price of the goods, including all taxes and fees, is determined by the Supplier in the SilaBG platform and its chosen distributors in the profile of each good on the SilaBG platform.

(3) The value of the postal or transport costs, not included in the price of the goods, is determined by the Supplier in the SilaBG platform and is provided as information to the Users when selecting the goods for concluding the purchase-sale contract.

(4) The methods of payment, delivery, and execution of the contract are defined in these general terms and conditions and the information provided to the User through the mechanisms of the SilaBG platform.

(5) The information provided to the Users under this article is current at the time of its visualization on the SilaBG platform before concluding the purchase-sale contract.

(6) Users agree that all required information under the Consumer Protection Act may be provided through the interface of the SilaBG platform or by email.

Art. 15. (1) The consumer agrees that the performers in the SilaBG platform have the right to accept advance payment for the concluded purchase-sale contracts of goods and their delivery.

(2) The consumer independently chooses whether to pay the performers in the SilaBG platform the price for the delivery of the goods before or at the time of their delivery.

(3) If the value of the user's order is equal to or exceeds BGN 10,000, payment is made only by transfer or deposit to the Supplier's payment account using any of the possible payment methods, excluding cash payment.

Art. 16. (1) The consumer has the right, without owing compensation or penalty and without stating a reason, to withdraw from the concluded contract within 14 days, starting from the date of acceptance of the goods by the selected performers through the SilaBG platform using the standard form for withdrawal from the contract, available on the Supplier's website on the SilaBG platform at the address Information on exercising the right of withdrawal is available at

(2) The right of withdrawal under paragraph 1 does not apply in the following cases:

  1. for the delivery of goods made to the order of the consumer or according to his or her individual requirements;
  2. for the delivery of goods that by their nature may deteriorate in quality or have a short shelf life;
  3. for the delivery of sealed goods that have been unsealed after delivery and cannot be returned due to hygiene or health protection reasons;
  4. for the delivery of goods that have been mixed with other goods after delivery and cannot be separated by their nature;
  5. for the delivery of sealed audio or video recordings or sealed computer software, which have been unsealed after delivery;
  6. for the delivery of newspapers, periodicals, or magazines, with the exception of subscription contracts for the delivery of such publications.

(3) When the Supplier in the SilaBG platform has not fulfilled its obligations to provide information, defined in the Consumer Protection Act, the consumer has the right to withdraw from the concluded contract within up to one year and 14 days, starting from the date of acceptance of the goods. When the information is provided to the consumer within the withdrawal period, the same begins to run from the date of its provision. The consumer has the right to send the statement for withdrawal under this article directly to the Supplier through the standard form for withdrawal from the contract, available on the Supplier's website on the SilaBG platform at the address

(4) When the consumer has exercised his or her right of withdrawal from the distance contract or the contract outside the commercial premises, the Supplier shall reimburse all amounts received from the consumer, including delivery costs, without undue delay and no later than 14 days, starting from the date on which the consumer informed the Supplier of his or her decision to withdraw from the contract. The Supplier shall reimburse the amounts received using the same payment method used by the consumer in the initial transaction unless the consumer has expressly agreed to use another payment method, provided that this is not associated with costs for the consumer.

(5) When exercising the right of withdrawal, the costs for returning the delivered goods are at the expense of the consumer, and from the amount that the consumer has paid under the contract, the costs for returning the goods are deducted. The Supplier is not obliged to reimburse additional costs for delivery of the goods when the consumer has expressly chosen a method of delivery of the goods different from the cheapest standard delivery method offered by the Supplier. The costs for returning the goods are the same as those for delivery according to the tariff of the used delivery company.

(6) The consumer is obliged to keep the received goods from the Supplier in the platform and ensure the preservation of their quality and safety during the period under paragraph 1. The goods are stored according to the requirements indicated by the manufacturer.

(7) The consumer can exercise his or her right of withdrawal from the contract with the Supplier by sending a written statement to the Supplier through the standard form for withdrawal from the contract, available at the address on the SilaBG platform.

(8) When the Supplier in the SilaBG platform has not offered to collect the goods himself, he may withhold payment of the amounts to the consumer until he receives the goods or until the consumer provides proof that he has sent the goods back, depending on which occurs earlier.       

(9) The user has the right to refer all disputes with the Supplier regarding the performance of this contract to the alternative dispute resolution platform (ODR) for out-of-court resolution, available at the address In case of failure to reach an agreement for the resolution of the dispute out of court, the parties may refer the dispute to be resolved by the competent Bulgarian courts and the Consumer Protection Commission.

Art. 17. (1) The delivery period for the goods is determined for each good separately when concluding the contract with the consumer through the Supplier's website on the SilaBG platform. General information on the conditions for the delivery of goods purchased by consumers through the SilaBG platform is available at the address

(2) If the consumer and the Supplier in the SilaBG platform have not determined a delivery period, the delivery period for the goods is 30 days, starting from the date following the sending of the consumer's order to the Supplier through the Supplier's website on the SilaBG platform.

(3) If the Supplier in the SilaBG platform cannot fulfill the contract due to not having the ordered goods, he is obliged to inform the consumer and reimburse the amounts paid by him or her.

Art. 18. The Supplier in the SilaBG platform is obliged to comply with all requirements established in Bulgarian legislation regarding the labeling, advertising, and sale of food supplements.



Art. 19. (1) The Supplier in the SilaBG platform may organize the delivery and transfer of the goods to the user by the respective performer within the period determined when concluding the contract.

(2) If the period under paragraph 1 is not explicitly agreed between the parties when concluding the contract, the Supplier in the SilaBG platform organizes the delivery and transfer of the goods by the respective performer or distributor within a reasonable period, but not later than 2 months. 

(3) Authorized performers and subcontractors in the SilaBG platform are:

"E Foods" LTD, EIN/UIC 205574741;

"Er Muscle" LTD, EIN/UIC 204468781;

"Nutracorp" LTD, EIN/UIC 202237441;

"DTrade-2022" LTD, EIN/UIC 207111350.

(4) The performers comply with the clauses of these general terms and conditions, and the Supplier ensures contact with the performers in case of inquiries from the User.

Art. 20. (1) The user must review the goods at the time of delivery and transfer, respectively upon receipt in the store, and if they do not meet the requirements, immediately notify the Supplier in the SilaBG platform.

(2) If the user does not notify the Supplier in the SilaBG platform according to paragraph 1, the goods are considered approved as conforming to the requirements, except for hidden defects.

(3) The following do not constitute defects of the goods:

            - special taste of the food supplement and/or sports food;

            - insufficient dissolution of the food supplement and/or sports food during its use;

            - special color of the food supplement and/or sports food;

            - mismatch with the taste characteristics of the food supplement and/or sports food with other food supplements and/or sports foods or with the same food supplement and/or sports food;

            - the presence of mechanisms for automatic or easy removal of the protective membrane of the food supplement and/or sports food during opening;

            - remaining shelf life of the food supplement and/or sports food, which according to the circumstances can be concluded to be sufficient for the consumption of the entire food supplement and/or sports food.

Art. 21. The Supplier in the SilaBG platform does not provide service for the goods.

Art. 22. For the cases not settled in this section, the rules of commercial sale, defined in the Commercial Act, apply.



Art. 23. (1) The Supplier undertakes measures to protect the personal data of the User according to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons regarding the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (GDPR) and the Personal Data Protection Act. The Supplier processes the personal data of the Users based on art. 6, paragraph 1, letter "b" of GDPR - processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party or to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract, or based on art. 6, paragraph 1, letter "a" of GDPR - based on the explicit consent provided by the User.

(2) The Supplier has published the information regarding the personal data it processes and the purposes for which they are processed, as well as all the required information according to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons regarding the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (GDPR) in the Privacy Policy, which is an integral part of the General Terms and Conditions.

(3) For security reasons of the personal data of the Users, the Supplier in the SilaBG platform will send the data only to the email address specified by the Users at the time of registration or making an order without registration.

(4) The Supplier in the SilaBG platform has the right to store data in the user's terminal device unless the user explicitly expresses disagreement with this.

(5) The Supplier in the SilaBG platform has the right to send electronic messages to the user or the consumer, including a bulletin or purchase offers for goods for direct marketing purposes only after receiving explicit freely given consent from the user or the consumer by marking a separate checkbox in the user registration form on the platform or when making an order without registration.

(6) The user or the consumer can withdraw their consent for the processing of personal data for direct marketing purposes at any time.

(7) The Supplier undertakes to stop processing the personal data of the person who has withdrawn their consent for direct marketing purposes by processing the request without delay within a reasonable period after its receipt.

(8) The user or the consumer agrees that the Supplier in the SilaBG platform has the right to send electronic messages to the user or the consumer at any time for the purposes of fulfilling the order and in connection with the specific order made.

(9) The user or the consumer agrees that the Supplier in the SilaBG platform has the right to collect, store, and process data on the behavior of the user or the consumer when using the Supplier's online store in the SilaBG platform.

(10) The Supplier has the right to transmit the personal data of the Users to its partners or subcontractors only if this is necessary for the performance of the purchase-sale contract or the provision of the respective service. In this case, the Supplier transmits only the minimally necessary data for the performance of the contract or service, ensuring compliance with the requirements for the security of personal data.

(11) An integral part of these "General Terms and Conditions" is the Mandatory Information on the Rights of Individuals on Personal Data Protection of the Supplier.

Art. 24. (1) At any time, the Supplier in the SilaBG platform has the right to require the user to legitimize himself or herself and verify the authenticity of any of the circumstances and personal data announced during registration.

(2) In case the user has forgotten or lost their name and password, the Supplier in the SilaBG platform has the right to apply the announced "Procedure for lost or forgotten names and passwords", available at the address



Art. 25. (1) These general terms and conditions may be amended by the Supplier in the SilaBG platform, for which the latter will notify all registered Users in an appropriate manner.

(2) The Supplier in the SilaBG platform and the user agree that any supplement and amendment of these general terms and conditions will have effect towards the user in one of the following cases:

  1. A) after explicitly notifying him or her by the Supplier in the SilaBG platform and if the user does not declare within the provided 14-day period that he or she rejects them, or

            B) after their publication on the Supplier's website on the SilaBG platform and if the user does not declare within the 14-day period from their publication that he or she rejects them, or

  1. C) with their explicit acceptance by the user through his or her profile on the Supplier's website on the SilaBG platform.

(3) The user agrees that all statements of the Supplier in the SilaBG platform regarding changes to these general terms and conditions will be sent to the email address specified by the user at the time of registration. The user agrees that electronic letters sent according to this article do not need to be signed with an electronic signature to have effect towards him or her.

Art. 26. The Supplier in the SilaBG platform publishes these general terms and conditions at the address, together with all supplements and amendments thereto.



Art. 27. (1) These general terms and conditions and the contract of the user with the Supplier in the SilaBG platform are terminated in the following cases:

  1. in case of termination and declaration of liquidation or declaration of bankruptcy of one of the parties to the contract;
  2. by mutual consent of the parties in written form;
  3. in case of objective impossibility of any of the parties to the contract to perform their obligations;
  4. in case of seizure or sealing of the equipment by state authorities;
  5. in case of deletion of the user's registration in the bg platform. In this case, the concluded but unfulfilled purchase-sale contracts remain in force and are subject to execution.

(2) The Supplier has the right at its discretion, without sending a notice and without owing compensation to unilaterally terminate the contract if it finds that the user uses the platform in violation of these general terms and conditions, the legislation in the Republic of Bulgaria, generally accepted moral norms or generally accepted rules and practices in electronic commerce.



Art. 28. The user undertakes to indemnify and release the Supplier in the platform from liability in case of legal claims and other claims of third parties (whether justified or not), for all damages and costs (including attorney fees and court costs), arising from or in connection with (1) non-performance of any of the obligations under this contract by the user, (2) violation of copyright, producer, broadcasting rights or other rights on intellectual or industrial property by the user, (3) unauthorized transfer to third parties of the rights granted to the user, for the term and under the conditions of the contract and (4) false declaration of the presence or absence of the quality of consumer under the Consumer Protection Act.

Art. 29. The Supplier is not liable in case of force majeure, accidental events, problems in the Internet, technical or other objective reasons, including orders of the competent state authorities, which prevent the objective performance of the contract.

Art. 30. (1) The Supplier is not liable for damages caused by the user to third parties.

(2) The Supplier is not liable for property or non-property damages, expressed in lost profits or suffered damages, caused to the user in the process of using or not using and concluding purchase-sale contracts with the Supplier.

(3) The Supplier is not liable for the time during which the platform was not accessible due to force majeure or other objective circumstances beyond the Supplier's control.

(4) The Supplier is not liable for damages from comments, opinions, and publications under the products, news, and articles in the platform.

Art. 31. (1) The Supplier is not liable in case of overcoming the security measures of the technical equipment and from this resulting in the loss of information, dissemination of information, access to information, restriction of access to information, and other similar consequences.

(2) The Supplier is not liable in case of concluding a purchase-sale contract, providing access to information, loss, or change of data resulting from false identification of a third party who presents itself as the user if the circumstances can be judged that this person is the user.



Art. 32. (1) The user and the Supplier in the platform undertake to mutually protect their rights and legitimate interests, as well as to keep their trade secrets, which became their property in the process of fulfilling the contract and these general terms and conditions.

(2) The user and the Supplier undertake during and after the period of the contract not to make public written or oral correspondence conducted between them. Making correspondence public can be considered the publication of correspondence in printed and electronic media, Internet forums, personal or public websites, and others.

Art. 33. In case of contradiction between these general terms and conditions and agreements in a special contract between the Supplier in the platform and the user, the clauses of the special contract take precedence.

Art. 34. The possible invalidity of any provision of these general terms and conditions will not lead to the invalidity of the entire contract.

Art. 35. For the unresolved issues in this contract, related to its implementation and interpretation, the laws of the Republic of Bulgaria apply.


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